We're partnering up with one of our favorite wine brands, Chateau Ste. Michelle to help you enjoy the end of summer going into Fall! Visit @chateaustemichelle on Instagram to learn more about their giveaway and enter for a chance to win a Pom Pom at Home Trestles Oversized Throw, a Chateau Ste. Michelle e-gift card, vase, a gold wine rack, plus more!

Stay in and curl up with a bottle of Chateau Ste. Michelle's Red Blend & our cozy Trestles throw!

Pack a picnic in one of our Savannah Baskets, grab a bottle of their Rosé, and head to the beach!

What's better than sipping a crisp and cold Chateau Ste. Michelle Chardonnay outside on a beautiful evening?

Click here to shop all our perfect picnic essentials.
Click here to visit the Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery.

Our new napkin collections will be available for purchase in September of 2019!